As time progresses, industries are getting more advanced and are finding new ways to achieve their goals faster, more efficiently, and with fewer hassles. The way people see the world has also changed dramatically, and nothing is as it was. This is a good thing, though, seeing that technology’s advancement is providing us with tools and knowledge we never even deemed possible, except maybe in a sci-fi movie. Could you have imagined ten years ago, when everyone still had a Nokia phone that looked more like a brick, that there could exist a phone that is not only a mere few inches thin but has artificial intelligence built in that you can converse with? And, on top of all that, as well as a camera that can see better than your own eye, your phone can be unlocked with your fingerprint or with facial recognition – that’s the type of stuff you would only have seen in a spy movie! Well, it’s a reality now – but, along with super cool phones, have a look down below at two machines that are already changing the game in their respective industries.

3D Printers
Maybe one of the most useful machines ever invented, 3D printers, is revolutionary and practical in a million different ways. 3D printers are machines that can print a replica of the design or object you scan it with by using a variety of materials. 3D printers have been applied to various industries already, and the results are nothing short of awe-inspiring. One example is the health sector, where doctors and researchers have experimented with 3D printing body parts for people who have lost an arm or a leg, for instance. Not only has this experiment worked out perfectly, but they have even started to 3D print human organs, which can be planted into a person’s body and totally eradicate the problem patients face with transplant lists – some who were waiting for years can now maybe have a second chance at life, all because of one marvelous machine and its endless opportunities.
Rosin Press
A rosin press is a machine that uses pressure and heat to extract a very pure concentrate from a cannabis hash. The rosin press is such a game-changing machine because it is the first method of removing the oil from a cannabis plant without the use of solvents, which can be very harmful to your health. It is the most efficient method of extracting rosin that is 100% pure, which is what makes this machine so popular and valuable. Cannabis has long been used by people who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and stress. It has continued to be legalized in many countries and states within the US, which caused the demand for these rosin press machines to skyrocket even further. Needless to say, the rosin press is the future of Cannabis.
These two machines are but a small example of the way the world has advanced before our eyes. The best part is it will continue to progress even further, each discovery more marvelous than the one before it – so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
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