Providing devices or hardware as a service (HaaS) is an efficient business model for both the provider and the recipient. As the recipient, the advantages of HaaS can be a great benefit when considering cost-effectiveness, responsibility, and maintenance against the complex and evolving nature of the contract that a provider needs to offer. It is essentially a buyer’s market where you can dictate terms that suit your business model.
The industry was started with software whereby expensive licenses for software such as Microsoft Windows or Office were installed via third-party volume configurations but the system evolved to include computers, network infrastructure, and then peripheral devices.
Currently, HaaS has expanded into more expensive and specialist machinery and therefore offers the following advantages over ownership:
- No Upfront Costs
- Replaced and Repaired for Free
- Future-Proofing
For most businesses, the cost of equipment is one of the largest expenses and can be a barrier to progression while replacing equipment because of disaster or finding specialist repair companies can be even more expensive and HaaS services will usually provide the most up-to-date models of any rented property.
No Upfront Costs
For many businesses, especially new ones, the massive cost of acquiring all the equipment necessary to move forward can be a huge barrier that can hinder or even halt productivity. Usually associated with office equipment such as PCs and printers, specialist HaaS companies are now providing such things as CT scanners for medical practices, industrial electric mixers for engineering endeavors, and even Caterpillar diggers for construction projects.
One of the best things about HaaS companies is that there is no initial cost of acquiring the equipment that you need which means that you can effectively be in production as soon as you have signed a contract and the equipment has been delivered and set up.
Replaced and Repaired for Free
Depending on your business type, repairs and replacements might be required more or less than others such as with construction equipment or computers that often need repairing due to their large amounts of moving parts and external factors that can affect them.
Because of this, another major advantage of employing the services of a reputable HaaS company is that the responsibility of repair or replacement falls on the equipment owner rather than you, proceeded that the repair is reasonable due to such things as wear and tear or genuine malfunction rather than that of deliberate breakage or onsite theft by an employee or business owner.
In most cases, any good HaaS provider will usually keep the most up-to-date models of equipment such as modern PCs with the latest operating system and components. For example, managed IT services are beginning to provide office computers with either SATA or M.2 NVME hard drives that are up to 20 times faster than traditional, mechanical HDDs and prone to less breakage because they don’t move, rather they’re on a chip.
This philosophy extends to other HaaS providers that will almost always provide tools and equipment with the latest standards, designs, and models that make sure you can always offer the best service possible to your customers and indeed your employees who may also be protected by improved models of dangerous equipment, no matter what type of business idea you come up with and wish to pursue.
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