You know that you need to market your business, but like many business owners, you might struggle to find the time. With a legion of other tasks taking up your working week, from managing your existing customers to sorting out your finances, you might be forced to let this one aspect of your business slide. This sucks, because as you probably know, if you don’t let others know about your business, you won’t make much of a profit.
So, if you are relating thus far and time isn’t on your side, here is some advice you might find helpful.
#1: Start your day the marketing way!
You might start each day with the intention to market your business, but then other things will get in the way. From phone calls to impromptu business meetings, there may be any number of distractions that will stop you giving your business a push. Therefore, at the very beginning of your day, spend your first thirty minutes doing something to promote your business. You might want to send out a message on social media, for example, or you might want to email your subscribers. This way, even if you don’t get to market your business again that day, you will have the peace of mind that you have done something rather than nothing to promote your business.
#2: Don’t go it alone
You’re busy, so you can’t be expected to do everything anyway. So, do one of two things.
Firstly, free up your time so you can market your business. Outsource or delegate your other business tasks, especially those that take up most of your time, and then use the time you have allotted to you to focus on the marketing side of your business. And book a consultation with a marketing agency, as with their advice, you will be able to be more time-efficient with your marketing efforts. Check out the services offered by Wayward Kind Digital Marketing, for example.
Alternatively, outsource or delegate your marketing. So, as well as consulting with a marketing agency, you might also want to pass over this one aspect of your business to them, as they will have the time and people to give your business the push it needs. You might also outsource particular aspects of your marketing strategy, such as hiring freelance writers to provide content for your blog. And if you have staff working for you, you might also delegate to them if they aren’t too busy elsewhere themselves. Ensure they have the marketing resources needed to help them with the work they have to do.
#3: Get your customers to market on your behalf
If you already have a loyal band of customers, why not get them to do a lot of the marketing legwork for you? With a customer referral program, you can incentivize your customers to bring in new custom for your business. You might offer them a discount on your product or service, for example, or you might give them something for free. You can find out more in the linked article above. And then remember your customer service. The happier your customers are with your business, the more likely they are to recommend you on social media and business review sites. So,treat them well, as they might naturally market your business, even without the offer of an incentive.
Time is rarely on the business owners side, but by following our suggestions, you should still be able to market your business, despite your busy schedule. Let us know what you think, and if you have any ideas for our readers, please enlighten us with your wisdom.
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