As you approach your final exams and the end of your time at college gets nearer, it can all feel a little overwhelming. It’s the end of an era, and everything after graduation seems scary and uncertain. You are taking the next step into adulthood, and you will soon lose the safety net of student accommodation and parental support. You’ll be fending for yourself in a strange new world.
For most people, the prospect of life after education is exciting, but it is undeniably anxiety-inducing as well. Especially if you don’t have a job lined up. If you’re not careful, you may end up moving back in with your parents and taking a temporary job at your local watering hole until you finally land a successful interview.
But if you are proactive while studying, you can have a job waiting for you once you graduate. This way, you’ll be making money right away and can get a head start paying off all that student debt.
To help you find a way into the world of work, here are three tips for finding employment after college.
Have a plan
You don’t want to just take any job offer that comes your way. Otherwise you might end up stuck in a career you hate for several years to come. Instead, you should figure out what you want to do with your life if you haven’t already. Your chosen college degree may provide you with some guidance, but it’s possible you don’t have all the answers just yet. Look at your passions and interests and try to work out how these could tie into your future career. Do you want to become an engineer? What about a lawyer or journalist? Maybe you want to work for an investment bank like Goldman Sachs, or a commercial insurance firm like Tivly. Whatever you decide is down to you, but it will give you guidance that will help you figure out the next steps.
Approach companies
Hiring managers love to see a proactive applicant, who will take the initiative and not wait for success to come to them. Make an effort to approach different companies and let them know you are looking for work after you graduate. Send them your resume and a short email explaining why you want to work for them and what you can bring to the company. Many organizations offer graduate schemes or internships which provide a perfect introduction into the industry. You’ll be able to learn the ropes on the job and gain experience that will put you on a trajectory to a successful career.
Boost your resume
When applying for jobs, you’ll be going up against hundreds of other candidates in the same position as you. If you want to get hired, you’ll need to find a way to stand out. Make your resume more impressive than your competition by getting involved in extracurricular activities. Showing you have other interests makes you appear like a more rounded individual. Sign up to sports teams or other clubs, volunteer locally, and take part time work to show you have experience holding down a job.
By following these steps you will become much more employable and increase your chances of landing a job straight out of college. Good luck in your future career!
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