
4 Jobs You Can Do From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

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In light of the whole Covid-19 pandemic putting everything on hold for a little bit, lots of people found themselves either off work or working from home a lot of the time. This is great as it means you are at home for family or pets that need you around. If you are working from home you need to remember to still treat it as an office, so as few distractions as possible to enable you to get your work done. 

If you are currently off work or looking to change jobs here are four professions you can do from the comfort of your own home. 

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If you enjoy writing and typing up different content and stories then you should think about becoming a freelancer. You can do this from anywhere, including your own home. You will just need some silence in order to create your masterpieces. Freelancers can do just about anything, if you have a niche then you can become a freelancer. To find work you will need to build up some trust with your potential clients as they may already have people they use. To do this, set up some profiles on freelance pages offering your services and offer them at a reduced rate until you build up a client base. 

Buying & Selling

If you are looking for a challenge then you could start a small business buying and selling items online. People are always looking for new and unique items to buy for themselves or their loved ones. You can do this from the comfort of your own home and use storage lockers to keep your stock safe. 

Remember it is important to keep your stock secure so you might want to think about using storage facilities with the right security standards. That way you can protect your assets and ensure theft does not result in a huge loss for your business. 


Do you have experience working with children or teaching? If so, then you could become an online tutor. A lot of teaching was done online during the pandemic and parents now want this to continue so there is always a demand for online tutors. Parents often require tutors to help with homework or exam preparation. Once you have built up a rapport with the parents and children you will more than likely have repeat clients if they like how you work. 


Finally, during the pandemic a lot of people were struggling with their mental health due to being stuck indoors, shops being closed, and routines completely going out the window. Counselors were in high demand and there were not as many around as people who needed to talk. If you have experience and qualifications in this field then you could become an online counselor if you wanted to work from home. Offering your active listening skills to people who need them and instantly taking a weight off people’s shoulders. 

Before you become a counselor you need to decide which services you are going to offer, there is a wide variety to choose from. Are you going to cover all aspects of counseling or focus more on the family side of things, such as couples counseling and adolescents for example. 

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