Social media can be a hugely powerful tool for making your business look attractive to consumers — if it’s used in the right way.
These days, anyone running their own start-up or small business can set up a social media account or two. However, it’s not enough to just log in and post the odd status every now and then.
You need to stand out from the crowd and make your business look attractive on social media. Otherwise, how else are you going to get your target demographic to like your page, engage with your posts, and — more importantly — click through to your website to buy your products?
If you’re wondering how to do this, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Check out the post below for five top tips for making your business look attractive on social media.
Recommended reading: Making a Success of Your Home-Based Business
1. Appeal to the audience you want
First things first: there are generic ways to make your business look attractive on social media to everyone (we go over a lot of these tactics in the points below).
However, everyone has different tastes, and it stands to reason that your business isn’t going to attract everyone using social media. After all, you’ve already got a core demographic that your products are aimed at, and that your marketing targets.
The trick is to appeal to them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; to be attractive, you need to aim for the hearts and brains of your audience.
Appeal to the audience you want by aligning your social marketing with them — talk their language, cover subjects they are interested in, choose the content you know they’ll find attractive. If you don’t write about what they want to hear, don’t expect them to follow you.
Providing extra value to your followers will entice more to your brand, and will reward the people that are keeping an eye on what you’re doing and engaging with your brand. There are a few ways you can do this, ranging from offering freebies, running competitions, or giving them exclusive VIP content.
2. Tailor your social media content to the platform you’re using
Looking attractive on social media isn’t just about appealing to the right audience; it’s about knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and tailoring your content so that you make the most of this.
Take, for example, Instagram. As a vibrant, very visual social platform, Instagram is perfectly suited to image-centric content and visual storytelling. Just take a look at Lonely Planet’s Instagram page:I

Lonely Planet has successfully used incredible imagery to attract more followers. Their content (beautiful, high-quality photos paired with concise, informative captions) is specifically tailored to Instagram to capture the feeling of adventure associated with their brand. Plus, it includes user-generated content (UGC) as a way for building a passionate travel-loving community around their business.
As a platform, Instagram is perfect for marketing your business and making it look attractive — if you use it the right way (check out this post for some top Insta tips).
On the other hand, social media platforms like Facebook (and Twitter) lend themselves to content that is more copy-focused (although they are also turning towards more visual marketing too). Facebook is where you can post longer-length content, quick links to your website, and gain easy exposure to new customers — as such a huge platform, it has many advantages.
3. Be creative with your content
Boring isn’t attractive. You could make all of your Instagram posts stunning and shell out big money for high-quality photos, but if your content is dull and lacking in personality, your brand will not seem attractive.
What’s better than beauty? Brains and beauty. Spend time crafting creative content that is fun, playful and imaginative, like this topical Facebook post from innocent smoothies:I

Innocent are the kings of fun social media marketing, and their playful, quirky tone of voice has been “borrowed” by wannabes everywhere.
We’re not saying you should copy them, however. You need to devise your own distinctive brand voice for all of your marketing (this should align with your brand’s website and product offerings to create a clear picture of your business). Your social content needs to be relevant to your brand.
Build on this brand voice and inject your own flair into everything you do on social media: teach your followers something new, make them laugh, or find unique angles on tired topics.
This is what will make your brand’s beauty shine out to everyone.
4. Be consistent and active
No one ever paired the words “attractive” and “consistent” together, did they? Yet that is one of the things that consumers find appealing in a business’s social media presence.
Simply put, your business will drop off their radar if you aren’t regularly posting — it makes you look lazy, or might even suggest that you are no longer in business.
On a parr is inconsistent content that has no clear brand voice and is written poorly. It reads as if everyone is the team is pitching in with their own take, and simply looks messy and unprofessional.
Like everyone, your customers need stability. If your social strategy and your posts are consistent, your followers will trust you more and engage with you more. They will find your brand much more attractive if you’re consistent and confident in what you post, and this will translate into engagement and conversions.
You can use all of the above points — attractive imagery, creative and platform-specific content, etc. — to create your own social media guidelines. This will ensure continuity throughout your posts and, when paired with a social media editorial calendar, will keep your business attractive to your audience.
5. Create relationships with meaningful engagement
Social media is the place where you can build these meaningful relationships with your audience, creating a valuable, long-lasting connection and a loyal community of brand ambassadors around your business.
Humans are attracted to other humans, right? We all crave real, authentic human interaction, and this is definitely the case when it comes to marketing.
Interaction is one of the key ways you can reach out to your customers and show them that you care — that you value their opinion, as well as their custom.
Social media isn’t just about posting strong content; you should be acknowledging likes, comments and shares and responding to your followers. Answer questions that are being asked — this could lead to potential sales, but it also makes you need good.
Be polite and friendly: say your thank yous when you received positive feedback, but make sure you respond to negative options too. Ignore these at your peril; bad reviews travel like wildfire online.
A genuine response from you will elicit real affection and admiration from followers, and only serves to make your business look more attractive on social media.
These are our five top tips for making your business look attractive on social media; following them will help you to promote your brand, attract new followers, and engage with customers.
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