There can be a lot of different motivations when it comes to choosing a career. It could be that money is that main factor; for others, it could be about passion, or what they’re naturally good at. And then there are the people who are motivated by the need to have a positive impact on the world. Though it’s not something that is often discussed, studies have shown that a lot of people not only don’t believe that their work makes the world a better place, but actively believe that it makes the world worse. Eeesh. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some career options which most definitely don’t follow this trend.
These are the jobs that help other people.

In Healthcare
Some of the jobs on this list have a more subtle, longer-term positive impact on the world. And then there are some that have a direct influence on a person’s life. Take healthcare, for example. This is a profession that tries to help people when they need it most. Whether it’s in the emergency room or as part of outpatient care, it’s a career choice that puts you face to face with the vulnerable. Whether it’s by working as a doctor, nurse, or as part of admin support staff, you’ll have a positive impact on society, every single day.
Looking After Others
There are some careers that help others and which have the capacity to provide a good income. One such example of this is the home care industry. The shifting demographics of society means that this is becoming an increasingly in-demand job. Not that you have to solely work in a home care position; after you’ve gained some experience, you can also look at setting up your own. When you do so, be sure to click here, and get the right software solution for the task. It’s important, noble work, which can lead to high levels of job satisfaction.
Charity Work
We tend to think that charity work just means volunteering, but this isn’t the case. It’s more than possible to develop a career in the charity sector. You’ll be paid to make a real difference in the world; it’s not for nothing that job satisfaction among workers in this sector is high. Rather than just dipping into charity every now and again, you’ll be engaged on a daily basis. Most charity workers don’t have one particular issue that they’re passionate about. They’re generally caring people as a whole, who care about many different issues.
Teach the Next Generation
The kids are the future. They always have been, and always will be. If they’re well-educated, then the future for the world will be bright. If they’re not, then we’re all in trouble. But of course, in order for the next generation to be educated, then there must be inspiring teachers ensure that this is the case. If you think you’ve got a knack for teaching, then look at studying for your qualification. If you don’t want to teach younger humans, then you can look at working in the higher education field.

On the Front Line
There are plenty of people that play a big role in ensuring that society works well. And perhaps the people who play the biggest role are those who are continually on the front line; they’re the paramedics, the police officers, and the firefighters. These positions do require a fair amount of bravery, and they’re not always the most relaxing jobs in the world, but they are vitally important. And you’ll have a chance to help people, every single day.
Solving Problems
While there’s much to love about the world, there’s no denying that there are problems in the world. And if we’re going to ensure that the future is bright, then we’ll have to tackle them head-on. Many people just look around and wait for someone else to fix problems, but someone has to guide the ship — we can’t all be passengers. If you think that you’re a natural problem-solver, then look at working in an environmental field. There are communities that will be disproportionately affected by climate change, and it’ll be up to the world’s brightest to figure out ways to solve the issues that they’ll face.
Working in Politics
We tend to think of politicians as people who just want the prestige and fame of working in politics. And it’d be wrong to think that there aren’t some people who fit that bill. But it’d also be even more wrong to suggest that you can describe all politicians this way; you absolutely can’t! There are a lot of dedicated people working in politics, and they have a real, positive impact on communities. One of the misconceptions about politics is that it’s an impossible career to become involved in. And yes, it’s true that it can be difficult to hit the most powerful positions in society. But it’s not impossible to work in politics, either in office at a local position, or behind the scenes.
Mental Health Help
There’s much to love about living in the modern world, but it is true that it does seem to have a negative impact on people’s mental health. There are more people than ever before living with conditions such as anxiety and depression. Indeed, by 2030, it’s estimated that depression will be the most common illness in the world. As such, we need people who can help others to overcome their issues. If you’re naturally empathetic and feel you can help others, then look at working in this field.
Start a Business
Finally, how about starting a business? It’s true that the market can’t fix all problems and even the ones that claim to be helping the world can ultimately end up doing more harm than good (think: Facebook). But it is true that some businesses can help people, in various ways. If you see an issue, and a gap in the market, then look at getting a company started.
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