A One-Man IT Band? How To Look Larger Than You Are

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If you’re trying to launch an IT service company while you’re still in college, then you’re going to face two problems. First, there are plenty of other companies who have got a jump start on you. And second, they’re going to be a lot bigger than your company, which is likely to be a one-person operation. But you do have one advantage; you grew up with technology, and know it inside out. You’re fairly certain that you could tackle anything that came your way, and that confidence is going to help. Still, people judge, and they might see only one employee as a stumbling block. So how do you make your business look bigger than it really is? We take a look below.

Source: Pexels.com

Get Virtual Help

You might be the only person fixing problems and managing IT networks, but you don’t have to be the only person in your operations. One of the best ways to function like a larger company is to hire a virtual assistant. This has two benefits. First, any phone calls to your company will go to your assistant, not to you (it’s not a strong look if the CEO is also the chief technician and receptionist). Second, they’ll keep you organized, so you know what you need to do and when.

Hire Freelancers From Time to Time

You’ll be able to handle the bulk of the work that comes your way, but every now and again you may face a problem that’s beyond your capabilities, or which would take a long time to figure out. At times like these, you should suck up your pride, put your ego to one side, and hire a freelancer to work with you. So long as the issues are resolved within budget, the company you’re working for won’t care.

Have the Latest Software

You won’t have an endless budget to work with, but you still need to spend money to make money. And that means investing in software that can help you deliver the best service possible. If you have Technical Assessment software, you’ll be able to give your clients a professional overview of what’s going on with their network. They’ll assume that any company that spends the time and money investing in the latest and best software is a company that is large enough to be confident they’ll be around for the long-term.

You’re Being Judged By Your Cover

Remember, it’ll be the small details that make you look small, not your abilities! Avoid labelling yourself CEO, using your personal cell as the company’s phone number, and having an email address that ends in “@hotmail.com” and your size will escape scrutiny. You’ll be judged on these small details, so make sure they’re projecting the right image!

Act Like You’re Going Places

Finally, remember that attitude is everything! Act as if you are a large company, and people will invariably believe it to be true. Act as a small company, and they’ll think you’re small. It’s as simple as that!

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