If you run a data center then one of the most imperative aspects you must bear in mind is how you are going to cool it effectively. If your cooling method is not as effective as it could be then you are going to seriously hinder your business. Your servers could end up compromised. You will be running more expensively than you need to be. Your carbon footprint will be a lot higher than it could be.
As you can see; the knock on effects are vast. However, if you keep reading then you will discover the different affordable and successful methods of data center cooling at your disposal. This is something the best IT support and tech firms use today to ensure they deliver an exceptional service. These are definitely worth considering.

Submersion Cooling
This method of data center cooling is utilized by a lot of the large global companies. It is an innovative solution and one of its main pulling points is the fact that it is one of the greenest cooling methods available. The way submersion cooling works is through the slight modification of OEM servers and then the submersion of them perpendicularly into dielectric fluid. In essence, this brings in managed coolant flow as a replacement for managed air flow. The results is a substantial reduction in server power use – of approximately 15 per cent. However, the real saving is on the cooling power front, this is deduced by well over 80 per cent. This system represents efficiency at its finest.
Cold Aisle Containment
There are many benefits associated with cold aisle containment. Firstly, you have the potential to make great cost savings because the amount of energy utilized is minimized in comparison to other data center cooling methods. In addition to this, cold aisle containment is suited to all data centers; no matter how big or small, and no matter what shape either. It is a non-intrusive solution and therefore it will not require any structural changes to your data room. There are other key advantages to be gained as well. These include; the reduction of carbon emissions, improvement in the actual cooling ability of your data center, life expectancy of your computer hardware increase and ‘U’ space utilization is enhanced which allows you to install more kit in the existing racks.
This is one of the newer methods of cooling available on the market today. The reason why this makes our list of three is quite simply because it is extremely affordable. It works via inserting a dense cooling coil within the rear walls at the back of every server rack. This is effective because this is where most of the heat tends to be generated. It does not require a compressor and only uses a small amount of power, hence why it is one of the most affordable options.
The methods mentioned in this article all offer affordable yet highly effective ways of cooling your data center. If you opt for one of these then you simply cannot go wrong. All you must do now is determine which option is going to be right in relation to your data center’s needs specifically.
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