This is a damn good question! Staying motivated to continually blog and write new articles can be a tuff task. No matter what the content of your blog be, being able to crank out new stuff is hard. I am not really sure what keeps me going and blogging, if anything. I am sure that […]
Author Archive | Chris
Back in Town
Greetings everyone! I am back in town from an amazing trip to Slidell, LA and will be posting about it shortly. I appreciate Saadh posting a couple posts while I was gone to keep the site alive. Some of the tips he mentioned are things that I have been considering doing here at Dorm Room […]
Signing Off
Hey everyone! As mentioned before, I will be gone until Sunday July 30th. Until that time you may see a couple posts from Saadh about SEO for blogs which should be some great information! Enjoy the summer and stay cool! Chris
Upcoming Down Time – Any Guest Bloggers?
Hi Everyone! I am going to be going out of town Saturday and will be gone until Sunday July 30th. I will be without any internet connection at all (I know its scary, my withdrawl symptoms are starting already and I haven’t even left), but because of this, I will not be able to post […]
100 Posts
OK, so I am a bit late on this because I was not paying close enough attention last week, but Dorm Room Biz recently passed the 100 posts mark and I am very happy about this. I feel like reaching 100 posts is a huge accomplishment to reach especially when you have the life of […]