Ok, so you are probably saying to yourself, “That’s it? That’s what the wait was for?” and well, your right. I didn’t want totake the new header design too extreme and make it something that it shouldn’t be. Therefore, I kept with the same overall design and just changed the elements (fonts, colors, and image). […]
Author Archive | Chris
Road blocks suck don’t they? Well I sure as hell seem to be hitting them all this week! Some people may say that I have been working too much and that’s why I have hit my road blocks and can’t seem to get the work done that I want to and some would say that […]
Hot To Set Up A Home Office
Dane at the the Business Opportunities Weblog points to a great post about setting up your new home office some different things to think about to help with your productivity and just setting it up in general. Written by David Lorenzo of Career Intensity Blog, he points out a couple of these key points: -Start […]
Radford Auctions Makes Great Strides!
I am happy to announce that many good things are happening for my eBay start up company, Radford Auctions (www.radfordauctions.com). For those of you who have not heard me talk about or read about Radford Auctions, I will give you a quick run down. Radford Auctions is an eBay drop off store started by myself […]
The Google Adsense Struggle
For about the last year, I have been using Google Adsense on my websites and still have not been able to fully perfect my way to implement them and utilize their options/abilities fully. I am right at the border of reaching the payment amount and have been having a very stagnate past couple weeks. Usually […]