Alright, so with all the hype about Google’s PageRank Update, it has finally hit herer at Dorm Room Biz. I have happy to report that Dorm Room Biz has been doing well! This site has two different address which is odd (but semi-normal), but the odder part is that that the site has two different […]
Author Archive | Chris
What the heck are blogs?
Yaro at Small Business Branding has put together a great introductory article to what blogs are and what blogging is all about. Check it out! What Is A Blog? Blogging on my computer Essentially a blog is a website but what makes it different to a normal website is how much more “human†it is. […]
Letting the Secret Loose
Brian Balfour who keeps his blog, The Entrepreneurial Endeavor, recently had an article on his site about letting the secrets of your company or ideas loose to the public. Heres an excerpt, but definitly be sure to check out the full article. Many first time entrepreneurs that I meet are initially very secretive about their […]
For those of you continuous readers…
I appologize for the short down time that happend the other day (Monday) and also for the problems with viewing this site in the last couple days. Some of you may have noticed that I had Yahoo’s Publisher Network ads after each post. Well they were not changing as the content changed and were not […]
Ten Rules for Web Startups
Brought to you from EvHead: #2: Be Different Ideas are in the air. There are lots of people thinking aboutâ€â€and probably working onâ€â€the same thing you are. And one of them is Google. Deal with it. How? First of all, realize that no sufficiently interesting space will be limited to one player. In a sense, […]