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Tough to hire? Here’s how to get an all-star team

There’s good news and news that’s good, but not great. Small businesses are hiring more people, but that growth is slowing down. According to the Paychex HIS Small Business Jobs Index, hiring is down .11 percent from July, marking the third decline in the index in the past four months. James Diffley, HIS chief regional […]

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Finding the Right Education for Your Career Paths

The Internet delivers the ability to its users unlike anything experienced in the 20th century especially when considering education. Thanks to online courses and information, it’s easier for potential students to choose and educational platform that is beneficial for the career paths they decided upon. The most difficult aspect about gathering all of this information […]

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[Infographic] The Winchester Mystery House

The Winchester Mystery House is a Queen Ann Style Victorian mansion located in San Jose, California, known for once being the residence of Sarah Winchester. Winchester was the widow of gun magnate William Wirt Winchester. The mansion is known for its size, architectural curiosities and lack of any master building plan and now serves as […]

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5 Ways to Build a Great Reputation Online

Whether your business is run entirely online, or your website is just an element of your business, you will need to build your reputation online to increase traffic, get more sales and improve profit margins. Improving your reputation will take dedication, time and consistency, but it is definitely achievable. Here are five simple steps you […]

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