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4 Possible Reasons To Take A Payday Loan

The Great Recession has left many would be borrowers out in the cold. Bankers are using the continuing difficulties of the world economy to justify holding back loans from the working class and poor people who need them the most. However, the payday loans industry has begun to take over this niche of borrowers with […]

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Should you use a business lawyer?

While starting your new business may be something you’re very excited about, and there is great potential for growth if you properly market yourself and the products and/or services you’re selling, you also need to be cautious. There are many rules and regulations in place for all businesses, and not abiding by even one of […]

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The Most Common Repairs To College Dorm Rooms

College dorm rooms sustain immense pressure throughout the year. Unlike regular homes, college dorms are renowned for being party central, which can lead to excessive wear and tear with time. Even for those students who are more focused on their studies, the busy lifestyle that this can bring often means dorm rooms and common areas […]

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