More than 50 percent of start-up businesses fail within the first five years, according to statistics from Entrepreneur Weekly, with many folding in the first year of operation. Losing a business is devastating, and moving forward after a business failure can seem impossible. However, dealing with failure and moving forward in a positive motion is […]
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Startup digital defences: are you ready?
Even in its most embryonic stage, your business needs to be closely guarded. If you have the germ of a beautiful idea, are currently fleshing it out into something more substantial, and are confident about its potential success, then putting up defenses around it is essential. However, if you’re new to the business world, are […]
Should You Hire A CPA?
When it comes to the management of finances, individuals and business owners alike will definitely benefit from hiring a professional certified public accountant (CPA). In doing this, it becomes possible to rid oneself of the many headaches involved in accurately managing the many aspects of financial records, tax information and more. Most importantly, a CPA, […]
Jumpstart Your Freelance Career by Working Overseas
It’s the curse of the freelance writer, photographer, or designer: it takes years to build up a reputation and a clientele, and in the meanwhile you’re expected to work for rates that barely pay a living wage. Well… a living wage in the United States, anyway. Instead of picking up one-off magazine or website assignments […]
How Recruiters Find Graduates At Trade Shows
For professional recruiters and human resources departments, trade shows and jobs fairs can be one of the most effective places to find graduate staff. These allow companies to get out there and press the flesh with potential employees. Finding the best talent is never easy, particularly in the competitive graduate sphere. But by approaching the […]