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Best Practice For More Productive Meetings

Do your meetings get hijacked by people who go off on tangents? Do they drag on and waste your time? Do your meetings include people who don’t need to be there? If so, then it’s time you made your meetings more productive.  Define The Purpose Of Your Meeting Decide what the purpose of your meeting […]

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5 Productivity Theories Every Modern Business Should Be Using

Maximizing efficiency at your business means carrying out complex assessments and changing policies. But there are some simple productivity theories you can apply almost immediately. Ergonomic Assessments of Workspace The study of the relationship between people and their workspace is known as ergonomics. The principle of ergonomics is to safely balance how your employees interact […]

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How To Be A Caring Boss

Today, many businesses are suffering terrible losses. The most crucial loss your company could suffer is the loss of its top personnel. Without the dedication and hard work of your staff, your company would be nothing. As a result, it’s critical that you provide your employees with everything they need to be optimistic and productive. […]

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