Alright, so here is the first way to help jump start your business over the next couple days. Depending on your business, this may not work for you. But if you are in any kind of retail or product supplying- whether that is a retail store, an e-commerce/auction site, small wholesale supplier, etc., then consider […]
Archive | Marketing
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
For those of you who do not read ProBlogger, and must be living underneath a rock, I just wanted to let you all know of the new project that Darren has been running for the past week or so. What is the 31 Day Project About? To put it most simply – it’s a month […]
How Are You Jump Starting Your Home Business This Week? 4 Part Series
Is your business continuing to roll smoothly or have you been hitting some bumps in the proverbial road to success? If you keep running over speed bumps, then it may be time to evaluate what you are doing to jump start your home business this week. Here we are, middle of the week, so hopefully […]
How to add an RSS link at the bottom of your WordPress entries
Dennis at posted a helpful tip recently for custimizing your wordpress theme a little bit more. He gives some quick instructions on how to add an RSS link at the bottom of your posts. His is also sure to remind you that he is by no means a coder and that this should be […]
Nine Factors to Consider When Determining Your Price
I came across a great article the other day on FreelanceSwitch about determining your price for web development services (and they could be applied to just about any service). It is definitely worth the read if you are a freelancer or just starting out in the industry. Nine Factors to Consider When Determining Your Price. […]