Archive | Rants / Random

Crank Dat Soulja Boy Rapped by Barney

For those of you who may not have seen this yet, it is pretty freaking funny. Clips of shows from Barney and different shots of the kids on the show are put together to look like they are rapping the song “Crank Dat Soulja Boy” by Soulja Boy. Its worth watching even just for the […]

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Weekend In The Woods

This past weekend, I got a chance to get out in the woods and do some backpacking along the Appalachian Trail in Virginia. I always try to take opportunities like this because I know if I do not do something bedsides the ordinary work and play on the weekends, I will burn out fairly quickly […]

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Bobby Hash is here.. finally

Great Bobby, just great – way to post a blog without thoroughly introducing yourself! After reading this blog for a few years, I’m honored by Chris’s welcome to come on board. I’m a 21-year-old graduate of Radford University (officially in December). My concentration of study has been Media Studies / Web-Design, which I also have […]

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