Over time, the internet has undoubtedly become a much more flexible virtual environment. When AOL democratized the internet during the 1990s, very few people or businesses had an online presence. Consumers interacted with static content that is laughable compared to what is available today, but everything has to start somewhere. With this said, almost every business has some form of online presence now, and there are multiple hosting options available for companies. One of the most recent options is referred to as cloud computing and has a multitude of benefits for businesses of all sizes. Many organizations have turned to alternatives such as the AS400 cloud for cloud hosting needs.
Reliable Cloud Hosting
Since the internet has become an integral part of society, a website or entire server crashing at a moments notice can be catastrophic. When sites such as Google or Facebook have any downtime whatsoever, many people feel as if the world is coming to a standstill. With this said, cloud hosting provides a reliable hosting environment for businesses that never stop serving consumers. With a traditional server environment, once the server crashes, the company will have to wait for this environment to restart. However, with cloud hosting, a company can be transferred over to another virtual environment immediately and experience little to no downtime.
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