Heading off to university is an existing time; get set to meet new people and build new friendships, learn things about the world along with new skills, and discover new hobbies and interests. But remember, the more organized you are, the more successful you are.
Photo Threads
Okay, so photos are everywhere you look; they’re on your phone, your computer, your tablet, and probably framed on your walls as well. There’s a good reason for that, photos documents our lives and capture moods and moments that inspire us no matter what life situation we are in.
There’s no excuse not to have physical photos in your dorm room, and one of the most creative ways to hang them is with a thread. First, print out the photos you want on a digital printer, then hang a string on the wall; use miniature pegs to hang the photo in the line for a unique look.
Hanging Storage
In a dorm room, you’re limited in space, so you need to make the most of what you have. The other thing is you want to stay organized in your dorm room because there’s nothing more distracting to your studies or applied interests than clutter and old laundry laying around.
Hanging storage is the perfect solution; not only does it keep your items out of sight, but it stacks things in an upward direction giving you more floor space to work with. Hanging storage will make you feel more organized and productive; this small DIY hack can improve your life.
Plant Inspo
Moving to a university dorm room is a big step, and it can be scary. All of a sudden, you are in an unfamiliar space with new people and new pressures. Unless you personalize your dorm room, you could end up feeling alienated from the whole experience, and that’s not desirable.
Introducing plants to your dorm room early on is a great way to personalize the space and create a home feel in your study area. Plants are not only nice to look at, but they can be air purifying which helps you to study. If you have an imagination, you can even give them a name.
Lighting Options
We all have moods throughout the day and week, and while you can’t control them a lot of the time – especially when something troubling happens and makes you feel unsettled or anxious – there are some ways you can adapt to your experience. One way is to use lighting options.
Sometimes the primary light is too sharp and glaring when studying in the evening; you need a softer light, such as the light from a lamp. Other times you might want a different shade of lighting to support your concentration, memory, or stress levels. Change the color of the bulb.
Laundry Hamper
Again, space is at a premium in the dorm room, so if you want to make the most of the space, don’t miss out on a DIY laundry hamper. A DIY laundry hamper is super easy to make; all you need is some slats of wood from Home Depot and screws from Fastenere.com. A DIY laundry hamper can be assembled in a short time and helps keep the room neat and organized.
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