If you want to improve your team’s level of communication, then there are a few ways that you can do this. Take a look below to find out more.
Leaders- Speak Up
Your leaders will set the tone for your organization. The way that they behave and even how they communicate will most certainly have an impact on your team. If you are a leader then now is the time for you to make the right adjustments. Consider working out loud to set a high level of transparency, and also respect feedback and ideas as much as possible. It also helps to respect feedback and to take on board new ideas.
Treat People as They’d Like to be Treated
You need to start treating other people how you’d like to be treated. You need to communicate in an open tone and you also need to check in with your teammates from time to time. If you know that someone prefers to talk via email, or over the phone then respect this and also make sure that you take the time to give them the assurance they need to feel confident in you as a leader. If you want to expand the level of communication that you have with your team then it may be worth looking into VoIP Solutions too.
Role Clarity
If you feel as though things keep on getting missed or even that there is duplicated work, then it may be time for you to clarify what needs to be done. Every single team member you have needs to know what they are responsible for as this will allow them to work smarter and it will also help them to work more efficiently too.
Have a Good Tool
If you want to take your teamwork to that next level then you need to have a quality communications tool. Even if your team are lucky enough to be able to sit next to each other every single day, you have to make sure that you streamline conversation. Consider having a task workflow management system and make it clear who is working on what, and when projects have been completed. This will make it easier for everyone to stay on board and it will also make it easier for people to find out whatever they need to know.
Some of your team members may work overseas and this can make communication difficult. If you want to help your team in this instance then it helps to have a meeting via video call every now and again at a time where your overseas employees are available. This may involve having it first thing in the morning or even during the last hour of work. Either way, you need to make everyone feel as included as possible and you also need to make sure that you give them as much support as they need throughout the projects that you’re working on. Little things like this can make a huge difference to your overall work output and the quality of it too.
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