Here we will be featuring some of our favorite posts on Dorm Room Biz to bring back some of the oldies but goodies to keep sharing information with you all. If you are new to Dorm Room Biz, then this is a good place to start!

Why Artisanal Businesses Win Every Time

Go ahead and picture this for a moment; you walk into a friend’s house and see the same IKEA Billy bookcase that exists in half the homes on the planet. It’s wobbly. It’s slightly chipped. It’s been through three house moves, and honestly, it’s not looking great. Now imagine walking in and seeing a handcrafted […]

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How to Get Emergency Funds for Your Family Quickly

Financial emergencies can happen anytime in a family. Ideally, you should have an emergency fund ready to cover  any unexpected financial burdens that may come your way. However, sometimes this is not the case and you may find yourself needing cash fast. It could be for a number of reasons, a medical emergency, a car […]

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Files In Disarray? It’s Time To Tidy Up Your Filing System

The way it happens is easy. One minute you’re just saving a file in your ‘Documents’ folder, the next you’ve got 700 files that are so disorganized that even Finder is having trouble finding what you’re looking for. A messy filing system can lead to chaos, making it easy to lose important documents and take […]

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