Here we will be featuring some of our favorite posts on Dorm Room Biz to bring back some of the oldies but goodies to keep sharing information with you all. If you are new to Dorm Room Biz, then this is a good place to start!

Researching Your Market

Entrepreneur: Whether you’re just starting out or if you’ve been in business for years, you should always stay up-to-date with your market information. Here are the best methods for finding your data. CHeck out the full article to learn some great tips.

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What’s your type?

From HomeBiz: Does personality matter in becoming a successful entrepreneur? Recent studies say yes, successful entrepreneurs share a number of common personality traits, and these traits are the predominant indicators of their success-outweighing education, family ties, skills and experience. Moreover, people who choose business ventures that are in sync with their true personalities tend […]

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Don’t Lie To Your Self

I just saw this post at the Young Go Getter Blog, which was highlighting the post from Mark Cuban’s blog: I learned a lot from Don Nelson when he was coach and GM of the Mavericks. He told me something early on, that opened my eyes. I forget the exact conversation, but we were talking […]

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What only $5 a day from Adsense!

I was just reading a good article from over at Six Figure Blog (…not to be confused with Six Figure Blogging) and found it interesting and relative to my success with using Google AdSense. I love making money – not for its own sake but for what it can bring which is more freedom for […]

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Im sorry for those of you who may have been missing my posts over the past week. I am currently on spring break from school and I thought that that would allow me some time to be able to do more work related to blogging and web design, but it hasnt! Anyway, I will be […]

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