Excellent management is essential for small business survival, but what happens when you are promoted to a senior position for the first time? While you may have had acting roles as a manager or supervisor, being the official manager for your small business is a different beast. It can be intimidating, and you may be worried that you’ll put every foot wrong you possibly can. While this is certainly a worry, you shouldn’t focus on it too much, as this will impact your performance. Instead, consider these top tips for success.
Be Clear In What You Say
Transparency is the key to success in any business no matter how large or small it is. As the manager, you just make sure you can communicate everything you need to clearly and leave no room for misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
The better you are at communicating, the easier your team will find it when attempting new projects. They also won’t have any issues dropping by for a chat to clarify things they aren’t quite sure of, and this can boost productivity and efficiency. Finally, being open about the business and the next steps gives everyone the clarity they need to meet a clear, attainable goal.
Address The Changes
If you work for a company that promotes from within, it can be tricky to establish new boundaries once you are promoted to management. This is especially true if you work with several people who have been there as long if not longer than you.
Instead of ignoring the elephant in the room, it is best to address the changes in the working relationship. You shouldn’t adopt an iron fist approach to management, but you should also make it clear that you will need to act more professionally. Hopefully, your experience as an employee will make it easier for you to treat your team with respect, but don’t forget to call them out when required.
Celebrate Team Success
Team morale is a must for any small business, and as the manager, you are responsible for keeping morale high. The likes of Adrian Jones HP has spoken at length about how celebrating success is crucial for keeping his team happy, and this is an approach you can take when working out your management style.
You needn’t throw a party for every small win, but showing appreciation and recognizing achievements will go a long way towards increasing team morale, and this has a direct impact on productivity.
Look for Mentorship
Accepting that you don’t know everything about management is one of the most critical elements for being a good, and even a great, manager. While you have been promoted, you should still look for a mentor at your company to offer advice when you need it.
Many companies will have training and mentorship programs that make the transition easier for their managers. If your company doesn’t offer this, think about your network and get in touch with those in senior roles who you respect.
Managed Expectations
Shifting from employee to management can be tricky if you are not prepared. However, as long as you don’t let the power go to your head, you won’t have any issues.
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