Whether you’re coming up to a new product launch and you want to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible, or you’re wondering why your product isn’t selling, the following tips are going to help you. Here, we’re going to look at ways to build the anticipation and appeal your product needs to start flying off shelves.

Build some hype where you can
A launch marketing campaign is going to play a crucial role in getting the initial spike of sales that can help generate the word of mouth, not to mention the returning customers, that can give your product a very strong start in the market. You should make a big deal of your product, through social media, influencer marketing, web content, and more.
Catch the eye
If you haven’t already, then it’s time to put a little more investment into the visual quality of the product that you’re starting to sell. Not every product can benefit from a great aesthetic, but you should consider working with a product packaging design team to see how much you can add a little visual flair to what you’re offering your customers. Getting it to stand out on the store shelves is going to play a huge role in how well it sells.
Test every change
Do you want to know how effectively your design changes are working to improve your product’s sellability? Then you need to get the evidence that they are working in your favor. There are teams that offer on-shelf testing, also known as packaging testing, that uses real shoppers to see how much they pay attention to your product on a shelf populated with alternatives and other products. This way, you can tell if your changes are moving in the right direction.
Have them shown off
If you’re working with retailers to have your products put on their store shelves, then you should also consider investing into getting them the pride of place that makes consumers a lot more likely to take notice of them. A well planned and well designed product promotion can do a lot of good, with in-store displays able to boost the signal of your products significantly.
Reconsider the price
It might not be something that you want to hear, but if your product isn’t selling well despite the fact that it is able to get the attention and interest of the customer, then the most likely barrier in their way is the price point. It might be time to look back and ask if you’re really putting the right price on your products. Make sure you don’t cut it enough to completely erase the profitability of the product but be open to the idea of profiting slightly less from them, instead.
Which of the tips above will work best for you depends on a few things, primarily what the product you’re selling is, and which elements your strategy might be missing. Figure those out and the right approach can make sure you start selling.
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