When you’ve moved on from your start-up status and are starting to rent or own a physical premises of your own, it’s important to make sure that certain factors come into play more than they otherwise did during your yearly planning.
For instance, now that you’re starting to hire outside of your founding team, ensuring that payroll is absolutely solidified and calculates properly according to tax deductions, overtime and perfect payment schedules is important to get right.
It’s also important to think about factors that you may not have considered before – namely, your security. When you have a building, especially a public-facing building that welcomes guests, consumers or clients, your responsibility of safety is much more important than just making sure no one encounters a trip hazard around your business.
But how can we achieve that in the most responsible manner? In this post, we intend to discuss that and more.
Businesses need to make sure that their cybersecurity is properly measured. The threats are becoming more and more diverse and pointed each year. Not only is it important to make sure that using systems like Infassure your computer networks are protected, but that you train your staff to change their passwords, to avoid phishing attempts by learning how to identify them, and that you take time to keep your digital files secure. For instance, it’s essential to make sure that each staff member has multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled on their account, so that even if their password is compromised, only they can access the second stage of security. This might involve the use of an authentication app, or a security key
Physical Security
It’s important to make sure that your physical security is assured, of course. We can achieve this by making sure we use a keycard system within our offices, ask guests to wear lanyards, and ensure that those entering the building have an appointment. Hiring additional security where appropriate can also be key, such as a parking guard, or someone who watches over your loading bay. Depending on the kind of business you run, you may wish for overnight security – such as by making sure a manufacturing line is protected. Investing in the right locks and strong doors, and making sure it’s someone’s job to lock up properly each evening is a good place to start.
Accountability & Surveillance
Accountability should be considered a big part of security, including making sure that staff adheres to the security and safety policies you have laid out and they have agreed to abide by. Using tracking systems and logging software for inventory and safety equipment, for instance, can be a good way to make sure faults are detected, and that security holes are plugged properly from there on out. Accountability, when properly provided for, should allow your firm to better itself and to protect your staff where appropriate.
With this advice, you’re certain to think about security in the best way. That in itself can make a major difference.
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