If you run a business that sells practical products, you might be wondering how best to market them. You know your product is good, and that it’s really useful, but you also know that it might not be the most exciting thing ever, so what do you do?
Focus on the problem it solves
For example, preroll packaging enables consumers to store and carry pre-rolled joints discreetly so they don’t have to worry about rolling on the go; that’s a huge benefit that pretty much enables the product to sell itself. What problem does your product solve? Focus on that and you won’t have to do much more to convince people to buy.
Make sure it looks good
What’s so special about Coca-Cola? It’s mostly water and sugar with a little spice. Anyone could make that, and there are many rivals that do, so why has it been so successful? It looks great. Its simple red and white can design became iconic, and because it caught the eye, it practically flew off the shelves. Yes, people obviously liked the product too, but the packaging it came in was a big factor in its success and the same could be true of your product if you take the time to make it stand out and look good on the shelves.
Use humor
If your product isn’t exactly the most exciting, why not poke fun at the fact? Showing your business has a good sense of humor is a great way to make people take notice, and for your products to stick in their heads when the competition’s do not. From funny straplines and witty ads to viral video funnies, there are so many ways you can use humor to market practical products. Use them.
Get an influencer onboard
If you can get an influencer with a lot of followers in your target audience to promote your product, it will practically sell itself even if it is not the most exciting invention ever made. People really trust the influencers they follow, which means getting your products into their hands will almost certainly pay off, spending on how high profile they are, it may not be cheap though!
Tell a story
Practical products may seem uninteresting on the surface, but if you can craft an interesting story around their creation, the people behind them, and the mission of your company, you can make them seem a whole lot more interesting, and all you need is a good copywriter to help you make that happen.
Give back
Whether it’s by donating products to a local shelter, sponsoring a Litle league team, or giving a percentage of your profits to a charity you know your target audience you love. Giving back is a great way to market your products without giving them the hard sell. If people need the thing you sell, they will remember your kindness and be more likely to buy your stuff, it’s that simple.
Marketing practical products, as you can see, is easier than you think!
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