Many of us are aware that counterfeit and off-brand purchasing options often exist no matter what brand we hope to buy, and while the former often skirts around the corner of legality, the latter often hands us a somewhat inferior product. As a business with a certain Unique Selling Point, it’s important to consider how you can more readily fight against consumers turning to those alternative options.
Of course, the first thing to do is to make sure you’re worth paying extra for, in order to achieve the ‘legitimate’ and most worthwhile process. If you have something unique, it’s your role to continue to be the safeguarding manager of that process, to make sure your business continues to be competitive. We’re going to assume you’re already working on that of course. However, from there, it can be a good idea to ‘authenticate’ the product in the eyes of your customers. For instance, high-end whiskies are delivered with a certificate of ownership, to show that it has come from the brand and perhaps that only a few of these bottles exist in the world.
How can we translate that ideal to your own firm? Let’s consider that, below:
Use Custom Stamps & Seals
There’s nothing quite like a stamp of authenticity, perhaps to designated work properly carried out, products that are legitimate, or if you browse custom address and date stamps, that denote when and where a certain product was crafted or maintained. These give your staff easy and designated measures of immediately verifying your effort, and that in itself can be tremendously useful and a quick problem solver.
Craftsmanship & Unique Identifiers
Unique identifiers can also work wonders when it comes to products that you wish to verify as yours. Unique identifiers will be totally dependent on what kind of product you’re creating or selling. An inner label on fashion products you have crafted can work wonders, as can seals that shine under UV light. In some cases, the craftsmanship alone can help you apply your own seal, such as an embossed logo or embedded marker that is easily identified as being from your firm. In this light, people can quite easily tell what’s yours and what isn’t.
Secure Ordering Websites & Guarded Secrets
If you can sell your products from an official storefront with verified payment providers, then people will know where to get your products. If not, then going through licensed retailers in your next best step. Of course, it’s also important to do your best in protecting trade secrets, even if you’re a small firm and your product is fairly rudimentary. Your guarded secrets might involve how your service operates, the vitality of your customer support, or your ability to protect data as stringently as possible and never suffer any downtime or leaks. These latter considerations don’t necessarily define a business, but they set you apart, as such, they’re part of your authentic business practice. This can add texture to your authenticity, even outside of a product line
With this advice, we hope you can more readily ‘authenticate’ your business’s products or services as appropriate.
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