The COVID-19 crisis means that more people than ever are working from home, and this brings a lot of challenges along with it. It’s difficult for businesses to adapt to this new way of working, but if you supply your employees with the right tools and give them the support that they need, you can maintain productivity. However, you also need to think about security because working from home puts your business at risk. Protecting your business data is vital and even if you have measures in place at the office, you need to make some changes now that everybody is working from home. These are some of the most important security tips for remote working.
Get Some Expert Advice
There are a lot of potential security risks when working from home and, unless you are a cybersecurity expert, you need to get some advice on how to deal with them. Get in touch with a company like Tech Squared and they will be able to protect you from ransomware, phishing attacks, viruses, and other online scams. Remote work is new territory for a lot of businesses and if you don’t know how to deal with the specific security challenges that come along with it, you need to consult somebody that does.

Protect Personal Devices
When everybody is working in the office, it’s easy to make sure that all of the computers are protected with antivirus software. However, if people are using their own personal devices at home, there is no guarantee that they are secure. This is a big problem if people are remotely accessing sensitive company information, so before you do anything else, you need to protect personal devices. If possible, pay for antivirus software for all of your employees or, at the very least, make sure that they are all using a reliable free option. Make it absolutely clear that nobody should be accessing company data until their devices are secured.
Improve Wifi Protection
Even if a device is protected, you are still vulnerable if the wifi is easy to crack. People can intercept anything that you send over wifi, including passwords and emails, so it’s vital that all employees have encryption in place. If there is a password for the wifi, it is encrypted, but that password needs to be a strong one. There are a few different levels of encryption and if you go into the settings, you can upgrade yours. The best option is WPA2, which will protect you from attacks as long as the password is strong.
Improve Data Security
Your business collects a lot of data about your customers, and it’s important that you learn how to handle it well. When working remotely, you will be storing more data in the cloud and sharing it more often, which means that there are more security risks. It’s important that you take another look at your data storage systems and see whether you can make any upgrades to security.
As long as you follow these important tips, you can make sure that your security doesn’t suffer while everybody is working from home.
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