Influencer Marketing Is Now Bigger Than Digital Ads

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Promotional tactics are frequently evolving with the drastic change in technology. Entrepreneurs use many strategies to boost their business in real means. There are a lot of promotional tactics like TV commercials, banners, voice ads over the radio, brochure, influencer marketing, and email marketing. Influencer marketing mostly contains social media marketing and content marketing. Digital ads are also robust to some extent. But due to the vitality of Internet, digital ads marketing are losing its place as influencer marketing is taking its place. So the details about the power of the influencer marketing over the digital ads are going to be discussing here.


Influencer marketing is a marketing tactic in which entrepreneurs hire famous personalities to promote their brand. An influencer can be a real or potential customer of the company. Mostly those people play the role of influencer who has the fan following at a large scale. Influencer marketing is much more reliable than digital ads because influencer shows trust on brand and people trust on his words.

Interaction between Customers

Social media platforms are also part of the influencer marketing. On social platforms, influencer post content to promote a product of a brand. After the posting of content, most of the people comment on the post and give their opinion regarding the product. Due to the comments, customers get a chance to do interaction with each other and discuss the quality or benefits of the products of a brand. Customers also get an opportunity to save their money due to the sharing of bad experiences of each others.

Company Connection with Its Customers

Influencer marketing is also a bridge way between the company and its customers. Digital ads are just a static promotional tactic. People will not spend money after seeing only a single image. Influencer marketing provides an opportunity to both customers and company to communicate with each other. Customers trust will become firm when they get the response from the company. Ultimately connection will occur between customers and company.

Customer Feedback

A company can’t get the feedback from the customers about their products through the digital ads because the digital ads are just a full-color image to attract the audience. Content marketing and social media marketing is the best way to do influencer marketing, so customers have the opportunity to give feedback on services of the company. In content market, entrepreneurs post blogs on their website regarding each product or service and also maintain comment section on each blog. Customer’s feedback is essential for the company because a company will have a chance to improve their services or to entertain user according to their requirements or demands.

Strong Power to Attract People

Influencer marketing is dependent on the popularity and fan following of the person. The face of famous person will work as a magnet to attract people. A famous person can be a cricketer, artist, singer, or actor and these persons have a lot of fan following due to their work. They do not need to force people or to instruct people to use a product. They just say some words about a product and people automatically try that product. Once people try the product and if they like then they will be the potential buyers or customers. Digital ads have not this strength to attract people as it is just a piece of paper and nothing more than this.

Easier to Do Promotion

Maintenance of digital ads is complicated as compared to the influencer marketing. To maintain the design of the digital ads, you have to work a lot on the selection of the color, background color, size of the lumber, theme and much more. The approach of digital ads remains risky because you will have no idea that you will be able to target the audience or not. It’s not the case in influencer marketing because you get the response of audience in minimal time so you can assess on time that you are targeting the intended audience or not. Influencer marketing is unquestionably more comfortable than digital ads because you do not need to think a lot, the influencer will do all your promotional work.

Influencer marketing is much more efficient approach than the digital ads. To get hundred percent from the influencer marketing, you have to do the content and social media marketing at the right time. Also, choose the appropriate influencer for the marketing.

Author Bio: Jessica Watson has been writing for websites and blogs for four years. Currently, she is associated with Aurion UAE business setup in Dubai experts. They are providing their corporate services across all states of UAE.

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