3 Tips For Finding a Job After College

As you approach your final exams and the end of your time at college gets nearer, it can all feel a little overwhelming. It’s the end of an era, and everything after graduation seems scary and uncertain. You are taking the next step into adulthood, and you will soon lose the safety net of student […]

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The Startling Connection Between Companies and Crime

When most people think about crime, they think about the individual criminal. They may picture a shady-looking character with a bag of stolen goods or a gang member with a gun. However, there is another side to a crime that is often overlooked: corporate crime. This type of crime can involve large companies and entire […]

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What A Healthy Workspace Really Looks Like

A good workspace doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. However, it does have quite a few things in common; it looks good, feels good, and helps you get your work done. But a workspace like this doesn’t just happen; if you want to build a healthy area that truly suits you, you’re going to […]

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