As a small business, you won’t have a huge marketing budget. Although there are countless marketing tactics available to entrepreneurs, some of them don’t work effectively. Given how slim many business marketing budgets already are, you can’t afford to make mistakes. Any venture needs a steady influx of new customers to be successful. Although getting new customers is hard work, it isn’t impossible. With that in mind, here are six easy ways to reach new customers.
Ask For Customer Reviews
The customers already loyal to your business are an excellent resource for increased revenue. After all, when a customer is happy, they’ll often share that with others. Word of mouth referrals is an incredibly effective way to reach new customers. Unfortunately, many companies shy away from asking. To get reviews from customers, you can offer a discount as an incentive.
Get Listed On Directories
Long before we had mobile phones, the Yellow Pages made life simple. In that large, yellow book you could find the phone number and address of every business nearby. While the Yellow Pages are basically extinct, directories like this aren’t. Instead, you can find them online. Listing your contact details in these directories will make it easier for potential customers to find your venture.
Launch A Company Website
Having a website is essential for every business in this technological age. Without one, potential customers will have a much harder time finding you. A payment gateway would allow you to sell online, making your company accessible to customers all over the world. Even if you don’t allow online shopping, having a website could convince customers further away to come to you.
Give Away Free Samples
Everyone loves a freebie, making them an effective tool for capturing attention. The trick is to pick the right freebie to offer potential customers. Although giving out free products all year could get expensive, you can tie this offer to a specific day. 7-Eleven gives out free Slurpees on July 11th, for example. Even if you sell services, you could still offer promotional items or free trials.
Host Limited-Time Promotions
If you can’t afford to give out free products, discounted items work well too. People usually see discounts as an opportunity to save money, even if they had no intention of buying the product before. They can even influence shoppers to buy more than they originally planned to. For this to work best, you should put time limits on any promotions, as this creates a sense of urgency.
Work With Other Ventures
Getting new customers typically boils down to trust. Every customer must trust you enough to do business with you. When you can’t build customer trust, you can always borrow it. Partnering with related companies is one way to do this. At the least, companies could refer customers to your business, but you could collaborate on a project, which could boost customers for you both.
Loyal customers are the backbone of any successful venture, so reach new customers with the advice above.
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