There are articles all over the internet asking if Google ads or SEO are more effective for a business. In reality, there’s no reason the two can’t work together to boost your company profile. Take a look at these display ad statistics from and get inspired to make your ads work hard alongside your SEO.

Google Ads and other display adverts offer you a huge amount of data, if you know how to use it.
- Segments. Take a look at the segments in your ad data. You can use this to look at search terms match type. For example, you can see if you a search term had good conversion rates, but only exact match, not broader phrases. This helps you target keywords with your SEO that you already know work for your business. You can also see conversion rates by device. If you can see your mobile conversion is low, you know there’s probably an issue with your site when using a mobile, which can cause your search rankings to drop.
- Filters. Filer your ad data for high-traffic, high-cost keywords that don’t convert. Some of these are probably terms you’d usually have included in your SEO strategy, but if they don’t convert and have a high cost to target, you’re better off leaving them out of your plans. Create a filter for keywords that have no conversions, then search by cost to see the worst culprits that you should avoid.
- Click through rates, on both ads and keywords. On specific adverts, you can get a sense of which headline and body copy works the best in encouraging searchers to actually click. You can take that information and apply it to your website in title tags, headlines and meta descriptions. For keywords, the click-through rates can tell you which search terms have the best relationship between terms and advert text. This can help you with your title tags and meta descriptions too.
- Destination URLs. Use the destination URL report to see which URLs and landing pages are converting the best. This information can help to see which pages are performing. Look at these pages to see what it is about them that works so well in encourage conversion. Use your findings to tweak other SEO pages to get the same success.
- Placements. Take a look at your account’s placement data. Here you can find some useful outreach or link building targets. Seeing where your advert has shown up around the web (other than on Google itself) could show some sites worth targeting to build some backlinks. You can get a good idea of which sites are converting well and sending good quality traffic your way.
- Interest and demographic data. In Google Ads, look at the subsection ‘Topics’, in ‘Interests & Remarketing’. Here you can see the performance of content categories, remarketing segments (which includes segments like people who made a purchase within the last week, or people who filled a cart and abandoned it) and interest categories. These categories can help you to better understand your customer, and the potential customers you should reach out to in order to boost conversion rates.
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