If you are looking for a new business idea that you can really get your teeth into, why not consider starting up your own plant nursery? If you have never looked into this before, it really is a fantastic way to make some money, and it’s also the kind of business that can be a genuine joy to run. Plant nurseries quite simply tend for plants and then sell them on, and it’s one of those businesses which can be incredibly scalable, making it a perfect startup with future potential. Let’s look at some of the considerations to think about first.

Go Niche Or Go Wide?
You have two basic options when it comes to choosing what plants to rear. You can either choose to provide a wide selection that people of all kinds can come and look at, or you can go down the niche avenue and try to look after plants that are either rare, or even entirely unique. By saving the seeds and cross-breeding, you can make your own new plant varieties, and these are generally very valuable – though you might find getting the customers in harder in some cases. It’s up to you, but these are your basic options.
Be Environmentally-Friendly
You’ll want to make a big point of having your green credentials on show too, as this is something that can really make a profound difference to how people view your business. There are many ways in which you can ensure your plant nursery business is as green as possible. For a start, conserve water by using Devan Tanks to collect rainwater rather than always using the tap, and make sure that you are not over-watering plants either. You should also consider keeping native plants first and foremost, as these are better for the local ecosystem.
Find Your Space
You’ll probably need a fair amount of space to get going, but you can do a lot with quite a little space if you don’t have access to anything huge right now. By being a little clever and creative with your methods, you can use a small space to grow quite a lot of plants – especially if you take on board ideas such as vertical gardening wherever possible. In any case, you should also keep your eyes peeled for a bigger space as and when you might get the chance to upgrade to that. Of course, it takes money to get it.

Finally, as with any other business, you’ll need to market your plant nursery company. Think about the places and the kinds of people who are likely to want your services, and then make sure that you are selling to them specifically. Put up adverts in garden centres and local newspapers, and even try to get on local radio. You’ll find that word also spreads soon enough as long as you give your first customers fantastic service with a wonderful product that they will love, so make sure that you are always doing that as well.
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