As a company or business branding is very important to how you appear to your potential customers and clients. Your brand is what your clients come to recognize you by. When the brand is out there it can do great things for your potential earnings. It can also turn people away if you are not […]
Tag Archives | Branding
Protecting Your Name Online
With the accessibility of the Internet, information about anyone is available with just a few clicks. In some cases, the Internet can be unforgiving when it comes to damaging your reputation. All it takes is one dissatisfied customer, disgruntled employee or jilted ex to destroy everything you’ve worked for. By monitoring your reputation online, you […]
Trade Show Exhibiting – How Your High School Science Fair Can Make You Money!
This is a guest post written by Bev Gray, CEO of Exhibit Edge, a full-service trade show exhibit and consultation company serving the Virginia, Maryland, DC areas as well as international clients. So, in high school, I bet you never thought the skills you learned making that poster board of your science project would actually […]

Save Some Cash – Print your OWN Business Cards!
Well, here you are, you little entrepreneur. I’m pretty impressed with your drive — you’ve got an idea, and you’re working on it a little every day. Maybe you’re an outright merchant, just “doing it for the money,†or maybe you’re one of those passion seekers who just feels the need to point your sails […]
New Logo: Rebranding Your Business
I’m sure many people will say that one, if not the most, important element of your business brand is your logo. I don’t completely agree with this (thats a topic for another post) but a logo is definitely a very important part of building your brand. That is why getting a new logo created for […]