Pexels Any dorm room business or young professional undertaking is something to be admired. Even those who might not have the most experience taking the risk to achieve something and believing in themselves is cause for celebration. Do many foolishly jump into this progression with only an idea and a heightened sense of self importance? […]
Tag Archives | Entrepreneurship

Improve Your Success As An Entrepreneur With a Few Simple Steps
Being successful as an entrepreneur can, in some ways, mean that you are able to predict the future to a certain extent. If you could have seen the success that something like Facebook would have, you would have put a lot of money into the shares, am I right? You need to see trends before […]
Everything You Need To Know About Entrepreneurialism
Being your own boss is a dream that many people have in this day and age. This is because of the freedom that comes with starting up your own enterprise; not having to answer to anyone but yourself, working hours to suit you, and even deciding what salary you take home each month. However, making […]

Buying A Business Rather Than Starting One Up
So, you have decided that you want to have your own business? This is something a lot of people desire. One of the main decisions you will need to make is whether to start up your company or buy one that is already established. In this post, we will talk you through the reasons why […]

Ten Common Misconceptions About Entrepreneurship
Only a few years ago, entrepreneurs we thought of as geeks, nerds, or drifters, who couldn’t hold down a regular job like everybody else, but, these days, that belief has changed quite significantly. In fact, it’s changed so much that entrepreneurship is now romanticized within our culture, leading to more and more people ditching their […]