Tag Archives | Influencers

Content Trends You’ll Want To Jump On This Year

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘there is no marketing except content marketing’? We act as if it’s a specialist field, but it’s simply not possible to market anything without using content like words, images, videos and graphics. After all, the internet is just content!  With search engines placing an ever-greater emphasis on quality content […]

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Is Your Startup Staying Ahead Of The Game?

There’s a pretty good chance that a startup coming into the current marketplace is going to be faced with more competition than ever before. The market is practically saturated with various startups fighting for space. Not only are there various different businesses competing in the same sector. But trying to get the attention of customers […]

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5 Ecommerce College Entrepreneurs Under The Microscope

All eyes are on the younger millennials and generation Zs — those who are currently in college or starting businesses of their own in the global online marketplace. This generation of young startups is thought to be distinctly different from their older ‘Gen X’ counterparts. According to studies, Gen Z’ers and younger millennials were found […]

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