Starting a business from the comfort of your home, or maybe your dorm room is a great way to start out as an entrepreneur on a tight budget. However, it is far from the easy option that many people believe it to be, not least because you must motivate yourself to succeed, be able to […]
Tag Archives | Marketing
Should You Ever Mix Business And Politics?
Business and politics may share some similarities – they both rely on influencing people to support your cause – however they are both driven by different needs. Business is driven by profit, whilst politics is driven by personal belief. Some would argue that as a result they clash and should never be mixed. Others however […]
Embracing the Future for Your Business’s Success
As your business ages, it is easy to become stuck in the past. The tools and methods you have always used have brought you success. You may have the idea that if it has worked so far, why mess with a good thing? Unfortunately, today’s technology is ever-changing, and if you do not keep up, […]
3 Tips on Rocking Content Marketing on a Budget
You’re a college student. How many blog posts do you read in a day? How many YouTube videos do you watch? When you’re scrolling through your feed, how many click bait links, infographics, photos, polls, comment threads do you interact with? Probably far too many to count. All of the content listed—every single type—is a […]
Marketing Strategies For Your Consulting Business
When it comes to marketing your consulting business, it’s often a pretty overwhelming and daunting task – especially for new business owners who are just starting out and are having lots of new information and tactics coming at them from all directions, and since this information can often be conflicting, then it makes it even […]