Hey everybody! This is just a quick note to tell you about an event coming up on Wednesday, tomorrow, hosted by Matt Wilson and the great folks over at Under30CEO.com. They have started to put together a series of interviews and Q&A sessions with different industry figures, experienced entrepreneurs, and successful business people to build […]
Tag Archives | Matt Wilson
Inspiration for the Young Entrepreneur
Are you on a mission? Do you have a vision? Are you itching to get your name out and make a difference in the world? If you answered NO to any of these questions–that’s okay. It’s time to get inspired. The opportunities to connect with millions of like minded people are limitless through the power […]
8 People That Student Entrepreneurs Should Follow on Twitter
As a student entrepreneur or student in general using Twitter, there are a few people that I think you should definitely be following and reading their tweets, to pick up great bits of advice or to be able to read articles that they may share. Here they are. Ramit Sethi – @ramit of IWillTeachYouToBeRich.com and […]