Social proof, which is also commonly referred to as informational social influence, is a social and psychological phenomenon that refers to our reliance on the feedback and the actions of other people to decipher what is right or wrong in a given situation.
Therefore, this could mean that when we are looking for a specific business, for example, a local plumber, we rely on comments that have been left by other people online. In this guide, we will reveal more about social proof and how it can be used to increase conversions.
What is social proof?
Although online marketing, such as the services from Key Marketing Group, is developing at a rapid pace, social proof is a concept that is as old as marketing itself. If you take a look online, you will see a lot of social proof examples from decades and decades ago – just think about testimonials on old adverts for a common example.
Nevertheless, the effectiveness, importance, and accessibility of social proof have been enhanced due to the rise of social media. This is why it plays an incredibly pivotal role for companies today.
If you’re wondering how social proof impacts your business, then think about any positive comments about your product, your business, or even you, which are left online. These comments are considered social proof, acting as an endorsement of your company. The presence of this social proof will make your company come across as a more trustworthy one. This is because social proof does not come directly from you (or the business in question) but it comes from the customer instead.
What are the different types of social proof?
There are a number of different forms of social proof. Of course, the most obvious, and arguably most important, is the social proof from your existing customers, for example, case studies and testimonials. However, there are other forms of social proof too, including social proof from esteemed and credible experts in your industry. Other examples include social proof from influencers, like celebrities, certifications, friends of your website, and crowds, for example, “300,000 people use platform ‘X’.”
There are other unique options too, for example, one option that is available to you is that of test scores. Test scores that have come from a third-party, independent source, can be extremely useful in terms of putting your consumers’ minds at ease. For example, there is the Trusted Store card that Google provides. This is a card that scores an e-store on criteria that is very important to shoppers in advance of a purchase being made. This criterion includes returns, shipping, and customer service. Ranking highly on a scorecard like this can certainly boost your business online.
Final words on using social proof
So there you have it: the introductory guide on what social proof is and how to use social proof to increase your conversions. We hope you have found these suggestions helpful. This is something all businesses need to consider today.
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