When it comes to working from home it is vital that your workspace is somewhere that you can feel productive and get lots done. The more productive your workspace is, the more you can get done and the better your day will be. Unfortunately working at home can present you with a myriad of problems such as being distracted by other members of your family, losing items that you might need for the day ahead and working later than you normally would if you were in the office. If you want to be an entrepreneur such as Richard Spanton Jr. you are going to need a good space to get your work done! Here are some top tips for having a good working space and why it is so important…
Make it somewhere away from distractions
It is important that your workspace is somewhere away from your family or somewhere that you might get distracted. Your partner might be working from home, or your kids might be home from school and this means that they can bombard you with questions or try to talk to you. You need your workplace to be somewhere that you won’t be disturbed and just shut yourself away and think of work. This could be in the dining room, your bedroom or in an outhouse in the garden. No matter which it is, make sure the other members of your family know that when the door is closed it means you are working and they aren’t to distract you
Keep it clutter-free
If you have a cluttered space it can cause you to have a cluttered mind. Try to keep your area of work free from too many papers or other items that could get in your way. At the end of the day try to tidy your workspace up ready for you to begin work the next day. This involves moving any coffee cups you might have accumulated over the day and putting your mouse and keyboard away neatly. You could invest in some shelves or storage specifically for your work things too
Set yourself dedicated working hours
It is important when you work from home that you set yourself dedicated working hours. As you will be going to your specific working space it can help you to differentiate between where you work and where you relax, but you want to ensure you don’t burn yourself out. By saying you will work between 9-5 for example, you know that you won’t end up overworking. Ensure that you take a lunch break where you head away from your desk and try to get some fresh air. This will enable you to go back to your desk with a clear mind and be much more productive for the rest of the afternoon.
These are three simple things that can ensure your workspace is somewhere which maximizes your productivity. You will notice that you get a lot more work done and get into a better routine if you have a dedicated workspace that you can go to.
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