More and more businesses are taking the leap into cloud computing and the many benefits it offers- but it’s not just for your huge corporations. It’s something that smaller and even home/ dorm room businesses can (and should!) take advantage of. Here are just a few reasons why you should look into cloud computing.

Makes access to your data easier
With the growing number of web-enabled devices used in today’s business environment such as smartphones and tablets, it’s useful to be able to access your data any time, anywhere. You might be running your business predominantly from your dorm room, but you won’t be here all the time. You’ll be back at home during semester breaks, and might need to use other facilities such as your university library at times. When you always have access to your data when you need it, it can make processes run much more smoothly. Cloud computing essentially allows you to set up what is essentially a virtual office which gives you the flexibility of connecting to your business anywhere, any time.
Collaboration efficiency
As well as being able to access your data yourself, cloud computing enables you to share your information with those you’re collaborating too. This is so important- as a sole trader working a dorm room biz your time is limited. You’re working this around your education so don’t have all the hours in the day to get things done, so to keep things running and functioning you will have to bring in third party help at times. When your outsourced help can access the data they need and contribute directly. You’re also able to find cloud computing services that make it easy for you to share your records with your advisers, such as tax and financial advisors in a quick and secure way.
Reduced IT costs
One huge benefit to moving to cloud computing is that it can reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems. Rather than purchasing systems and equipment for your business which can really get expensive, you can reduce costs by using the resources of your cloud computing service provider. You don’t need to pay for expert staff, and there are likely to be fewer time delays too. We all know how time is money in business so this isn’t something to overlook. Using the cloud frees up your time, meaning you can get on with running your business.
Scalability means flexibility for you- when your business can scale up or down and you can change storage needs to quickly to suit your situation then you can ensure that everything is always suitable to your business. Instead of purchasing and installing expensive upgrades yourself, a cloud computer service provider like JustRight Technology can handle everything for you.
Dorm room business owners, have you taken the leap into cloud based computing yet? If not, what’s stopping you?
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