Grabbing people’s attention can be challenging in today’s crowded digital marketplace. Everyone is screaming at the top of their voice but very few are getting heard.
The trick here is to use communication methods that customers actually want you to use. Top of the pile, as you might guess, is video. It’s easy to consume and gets the message across more efficiently than any other message.
In this post, we take a look at why video is still number one for reaching out to your client base online. Here’s our reasoning:
It’s A Great Addition To Email Campaigns
Marketing professionals can sometimes inadvertently compartmentalize email and video into two distinct categories that don’t overlap. However, that’s not the case. It’s actually very easy to insert video production into your email outreach for better communication with your customers.
Evidence suggests that video helps to increase email campaign click-through rate. It’s a way of standing out from the competition and getting your message out there. While 99 percent of senders don’t include email, you can be among the 1 percent that do, and have more of an impact that way.
It Offers Higher Engagement
While a video click-through rate of 1.84 percent might not sound like much, it’s actually the highest of any digital media form. Banner ad rates, for instance, are often below 0.2 percent, which means that only 2 out of 1,000 people who see them actually click through.
Your best bet here is to get your message across in five seconds or less. This way, you can capture your audience’s attention while also fitting ad formats on YouTube, the world’s most successful video platform.
It Makes Social Sharing Easier
People will occasionally share blogs and articles with each other, but it’s rare. That’s because most people intrinsically understand that their friends are unlikely to read them. Committing yourself to an article and exploring everything that it says is a big ask.
Video, though, is naturally much easier to consume. People aren’t afraid to share them at all. In fact, it’s now the number one media type used on most social networks.
If you want your audience to share your videos, keep them short and under 60 seconds. Make sure you take an angle that offers value to your audience. Don’t do anything that they might perceive as dull or lacking inspiration.
It’s Easy To Learn How To Make Them

One of the benefits of corporate video services is that they help companies learn how to make effective videos. Instead of continuously going to third-party firms, corporate training video production programs introduce staff to the basics of how to make them.
Ideally, what you want is a regular supply of videos that you can make flexibly, as the market demands. If you have the ability to do this in-house, you’re often able to increase the relevancy of your outreach and add a more personal touch to all your video messages.
It Engages Lazy Buyers
In the 21st century, there’s such a thing as lazy buyers. These are people who just want to press a button and get the things that they want. They don’t have the energy to dig deeper and find out more about your services. It should all be presented on a plate.
While eliminating all hassle might be impossible for your enterprise as a whole, videos help to make marketing simpler for your customers. Instead of reading technical blogs, you can just explain things to them in video format. This way, they can better understand and take in the information they need about your company and what it offers.
It Can Explain Everything
Continuing this theme, video marketing is a great way to explain your products and services. Despite your best efforts, communicating everything customers need to know about your company in a headline title or blog post usually isn’t possible. There’s just not enough space. But when you present things in the form of a video, you instantly have more scope.
Even today, a large minority of companies use explainer videos on their homepages. They want to make it easy for people to understand what they offer so that they can make a decision whether to buy. When leads don’t understand what they’re getting, they won’t always dig deeper. Instead, they’ll carry on the same as before or go to a brand offering something simpler.
It Appeals To Mobile Users
Reading text on a mobile screen is a major hassle. Yes, it can be done, and many people do it, but the vast majority of users would much prefer to watch videos on their devices.
To put this into perspective, YouTube reports that video consumption is going up by around 100 percent per year. That means that, over the course of a decade, the number of video hours being watched is increasing about 2,000 times.
Therefore, if you want your company’s media to get noticed online, videos are your best bet. Not only are they the most engaging form of outreach, but they are also the fastest-growing.
It Is Great For SEO
Google loves videos. That’s because it is aware of the user engagement statistics. It knows that people using its services prefer sites that offer video to those which don’t. For that reason, it prioritizes them in the algorithm so they appear higher in search results.
The statistics on the SEO impact of video are remarkable. Data suggest that you’re more than 50 times as likely to be on the first page if you have a video relating to the user’s chosen keyword than if you don’t.
Remember, you don’t have to host a video on your website using add-on software. Instead, you can simply embed a YouTube video into the HTML and rely on Google’s own servers.
It Builds Trust
Lastly, video is perhaps the most powerful method known for building trust. With video, your audience can actually see you and get a better sense of who you are and what you’re about.
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