If you are fresh out of university, you might have already started to send out your CV and resumes. But, before you do you should know that the job market has become increasingly competitive. Unless you left college after being at the top of your class, you are going to have a tough time beating […]
Archive | Marketing
How To Build A Network of Contacts
Image source In any business, you contact list is your most important asset. It’s the people you know that will open doors for you. A large network means more opportunities. It means more possibility for advancement, and higher profits. As they say in business, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. A packed […]
What Makes Customers Buy Your Products?
It is the question that every business has to answer if they want to succeed. Figuring out how customers think before they buy is a major advantage that you can exploit. If you have that information, you can tailor your business accordingly and reap the benefits. But, that is easier said than done because consumers […]
Best Ways To Market Your Company You Never Considered
If you want to gain a bigger piece of the market this year, you need to start thinking outside the box on how to promote your business. If your business is new and fresh, this is particularly important because you want to make a bold move on the already strong competition as soon as you […]
Essential Steps You Need To Take Before Selling Your Business
Credit Starting a small business while you are still at college was a fantastic move. Not only did it help you to pay your tuition fees, but it also gave you some much-needed experience in the corporate world. However, you might like to sell the company and move onto something more substantial now you have […]