Archive | Marketing

3 Tips from the Freelancers Black Book

Ask twelve different freelancers what they do and the likelihood is that you’ll get twelve different answers. Freelancers are present in practically every industry, giving rise to a broad number of job descriptions. However, whatever it says on the business card, there is one job that freelancers all have in common: Senior Marketing Officer. As […]

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Using Facebook to Offer Customers Buying Incentives

Unless you’re organized and have a system in place, keeping up with class schedules while dealing with issues related to small business management can be overwhelming. You have to find ways to integrate the two aspects of your life. Don’t stress about time – streamline the management of your business processes. Multi-tasking Is a Way […]

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3 Ways Businesses Use Text Messaging

Thousands of businesses use text messaging to promote their products and services every day. Since mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives, we have them with us all the time. This gives companies a great opportunity to connect with us, whenever they like and wherever we are. Developing a text messaging […]

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