Are you still looking to make money from your blog? A great spot to start is with a little site called Text Link Ads. They’ve been in the game for many years now and are a solid company to deal with. Since 2007 I’ve been utilizing (TLA) on my hiking trail website, Virginia Hiker. All […]
Archive | Monetizing Websites
Get The 3DayMoney Course for Half Price – Ends soon!
Now, I’m definitely not one to buy a lot of information products or courses, however, I do believe there is a need to invest in your education and your business. The problem when you decide you want to do this is that many of the courses, seminars, conferences, events, and products cost hundreds or thousands […]
MileyCyrusVideosOnline Official Launch
Last year I set a goal to launch a bunch of celebrity focused websites. I started it off with which has now been active for over a year, gets decent search engine traffic, and fairly good clicks on AdSense ads. Now, I’ve been slowly getting content added to a new site, one a little […]
Why Are You Not Utilizing Twitter for Your Business?
Twitter. You know what it is right? You’re familiar with tweeting? I hope so…..if you’re not then you must be an advanced 4 year old who can navigate the internet but not type. If you are not on Twitter, you need to go and sign up for an account now. Anyway, now that that is […]
Unique Blog Designs Launches ‘Affiliate Theme’
You probably recognize the name “Unique Blog Designs” as the guys who designed the blog themes for Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker, John Chow, and many other “high profile” bloggers. Well, Nate and the other guys have just released a great product that you should probably be aware of and check out. Affiliate Theme is an innovative […]