Micro lending companies are organizations that offer small loans, usually to people that can’t get it from elsewhere. These might be people that need a bit of money to start a business or they could be individuals that are in financial trouble and do not have many borrowing options. Unlike other financial institutions, micro lending […]
Archive | Money Management
How To Keep On Top Of Your Side-Hustle Finances
Having a side-hustle can be a fantastic way to earn a bit of extra cash, or develop into a lucrative income. However much money you are making from it, you need to make sure that you are following the rules when it comes to recording your income and expenses. Here are some tools you might […]
Helpful Ways To Save Money With Your Small Business
Running a small business is a challenging thing and a lot of expenses often go with it hand in hand. If you are thinking of starting a small business this year there are a lot of things you need to consider and things you need to know. This year has been hard on all of […]
4 Ways To Reduce Your Business Insurance Expenses You Didn’t Think Of
Business insurance is a tricky subject. On the one hand, you like the idea of having a safety net in case the worst happens. On the other, it’s an expensive yearly fee that you barely ever use. Considering that your operating budget is already pretty low, the latter can convince you to take drastic action. […]
Dealing With Tax When Running Your Own Business
There are countless things you have to learn when running a small business. How to pay your taxes is one of them. As soon as you start making a profit, you’re going to have to start paying taxes too. Put simply, taxes are a compulsory contribution to the revenue of the state that you live […]