Managed IT services help a business to save money on their staffing. Every business that is reliant on computers cannot afford to spend money on new staff members who will handle the IT services in the office. Hiring an outside firm saves the company a great deal of time and money. The Savings Companies that […]
Archive | Money Management
Tax Time is Coming: Is Your Business Prepared?
April 15 is coming in just a few short months, and if your small business hasn’t been preparing all year long, you are going to need to put in a lot of extra work to be ready for tax time. Many college students don’t realize that starting a small business makes them responsible for a […]
Small Business Financing: Credit Card Swipe or Not?
Starting your own business is the American dream, but financing that dream is a daunting task for many. Investors and banks don’t always give an unproven startup the time of day. Instead of getting declined for small business loans and turned down by investors, consider using credit card financing for your small business. The interest […]
Virtual Meetings & Webinar Options For Small Businesses
Small business owners may be hesitant to hold virtual meetings and webinars, but the trend is starting to build up. It’s only a matter of time before companies start to leverage three-dimensional virtual platforms to provide greater value to business properties as well as clients and customers. While you may think virtual conferencing doesn’t give […]
Cash flow management tips for college entrepreneurs
Sift through the studies, seek out the stats and you’ll see that poor cash flow management fueled many a start up’s failure. Intrinsic to running a successful business, you’ll need to keep a keen eye on your cash flow to succeed as an entrepreneur. Without the adequate expertise it’s easy to come undone, so to […]