Financial health is a tenuous thing for many, many people. Sometimes it feels like you never have enough money and if that feeling never quite goes away, the stress that mounts on top of you becomes totally crushing. In a time like this, something needs to be done. Anxiety around your finances can be incredibly […]
Tag Archives | financial mistakes
5 Biggest Problems Student Entrepreneurs Face
Full-time entrepreneurs have a hard time taking on all the responsibilities associated with running a business. It is unsurprising that ‘studentpreneurs’ experience double the pressure. Juggling your studies and entrepreneurial dreams is nothing short of finding your balance on tiptoes. Something will compel you to allow one to dominate the other. Would it be school […]
Most Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
There has never been a business owner in the history of business who hasn’t made a mistake. Mistakes are common and sometimes they are necessary for learning. However, there are some mistakes that can be easily avoided with thought and planning. Small businesses should avoid making financial mistakes that could lead to business failure. Here, […]