I caught this video on Blogtrepreneur the other day and thought that it was worth posting here and sharing with you all!
Tag Archives | Motivation
My Goals for 2009
Everyone is writing about their goals for 2009, so I thought I’d put out some of mine here on Dorm Room Biz to share with you all. If you did not read my small post about reflections on 2008, then give that a quick read. It will only take a couple of minutes. No really, […]
I Am Selling My Motivation – Need Some? Find it on eBay!
Random I know, but I am selling off some of my motivation, and I know you need some! Basically, I have some different posters/prints that I purchased when I moved out of the dorm room and into my apartment to hang on the wall to get my inspired. Well, now that I am graduating college […]

What’s in the water?
An interesting phenomenon is happening across college campuses. Many more students are showing an actual interest in their success and are taking colleges by storm. There was a recent article in a business magazine that said 7 out of 10 high school students wanted to start their own business, this trend is obviously continuing onto […]